Water, Wastewater and Surface Water
Dougherty Sprague Enterprises (dse) provides technical services for a variety of water resources projects for water and wastewater utilities across the southwest and central United States. Services range from water resources planning, infrastructure needs analyses and system evaluation, alternative development, permitting, design and construction services. dse personnel are familiar with EPA and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality requirements for system design, capacity development, and system operation. In addition, dse personnel are familiar with federal and state infrastructure funding opportunities, including, but not limited to the USDA-Rural Development, and the TWDB State Revolving Fund Programs. Examples of dse experience include:

Monitoring of Groundwater Monitoring and Recovery Wells and Surface Waters
dse has performed quarterly monitoring of groundwater in more than twenty monitoring and recovery wells and surface waters at the former Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas for more than three years. All monitoring has been performed following AFCEE guidelines using low-flow techniques. All of the wells were gauged and tested for NAPLs before sampling. Both dedicated and portable bladder pumps have been used to purge and sample the monitoring and recovery wells in the AOC. All purged water was passed through a monitored flow-through cell and water levels were monitored to assure that the samples were representative of conditions in the impacted aquifer. In addition, surface water conditions have been monitored and water samples collected from several locations in the Trinity River.
Sabine River Estates SWPPP
dse prepared a general construction SWPPP to address requirements for conservation of soils and surface water during large scale construction. The site was approximately twenty acres of land being developed into residential property. Inspections of the control measures (silt fencing and drainage system) were conducted every two weeks and/or within forty-eight hours following a major rain event and at least once a quarter, during a rain event. These inspections were performed to see how the total drainage system, during construction, was functioning. Maintenance procedures were followed to keep the silt fencing in working order and also changed or augmented silt fencing, as needed, based off results of the inspections.
Steve Reagor Spill Investigation
A spill of an unidentified substance occurred upstream to the Client’s property. The spill migrated onto the Client’s property and impacted a stocked lake located there. The spill impact possibly contributed to a fish kill in the lake. dse personnel visited the spill scene and documented the extent and impact of the spill. dse prepared a sampling plan and collected samples of impacted soils and water. The samples were analyzed for suspected chemicals of concern. dse reviewed the laboratory analyses results and prepared a report that documented our observations at the spill site and summarized our findings. dse personnel acted as an Expert Witnesses in the resulting litigation.