Permitting, Planning, and Compliance Auditing
An Environmental Compliance Audit is typically performed to measure a commercial facility’s compliance, management practices and systems with potentially applicable local, state, and federal environmental requirements and permits. dse audits the facility through permit reviews, interviews with knowledgeable site personnel, review of the records and reports, and an on-site assessment.

Soil Amendment Facility Compliance Audit
The ABCWUA SAF and RRA are located on a 5,640 acre site west of Albuquerque. The facilities utilize a two phase program comprised of dedicated land disposal and composting for a portion of the biosolids generated by the Water Reclamation System. dse conducted sample collection at the SAF and the RRA to determine the nitrogen levels in the soils on the Site for ABCWUA’s compliance auditing process. Direct-push technology was utilized to sample the soils. dse recorded and provided to ABCWUA the GPS coordinates for each SAF and RRA sample location and coordinated documentation and chain-of-custody efforts with management staff at the client’s laboratory. A portion of the area to be sampled was historically used as a bombing practice range. dse developed safety protocols and screened each sample location for un-exploded ordinance prior to initiating drilling at each sample location.
Waste Classification Compliance
dse was asked by Turbine resources to examine their waste streams and determine if their waste classification, RCRA generator status and disposal operations were in line with Texas Commission for Environmental Quality (TCEQ) rules and regulations. Personnel from dse met with Turbine resource managers to interview them and then check the waste streams currently in place. dse personnel then interviewed waste transportation disposal companies used by Turbine Resources to determine what practices were being used and the rationale behind those practices. Using these data, dse was able to sort through the waste stream processes and report back to Turbine Resources on how their current waste stream process was being handled and how best to modify it in order to protect the company and their employees while ensuring that Turbine Resources utilized cost effective waste disposal and recycling methods.
Compliance Audit
dse personnel performed an Environmental Compliance Audit of DFW Airport’s Environmental Management Department in conjunction with several other consultants. This audit included a walk through of many on-site facilities as well as completing document review of a wide variety of environmental segments including, but not limited to, wastewater, underground storage tanks, aboveground storage tanks, storm water, and hazardous waste generation and disposal.

Dry Cleaner Compliance Audit
dse has extensive experience in conducting dry cleaner compliance audits. These audits are designed to determine how well a particular dry cleaning facility is following the recommended practices for the use of particular dry cleaning solvents that they are using. They also determine the likelihood of a major environmental impact to the site where the facility is located. Audits cannot indicate how well a facility will be run in the future or the likelihood of a future release of dry cleaning solvent. Included in these audits are interviews with the facility owner/operator and their employees, a survey of the site conditions and status of the equipment and supplies stored on site, a review of the facility’s records to ensure an understanding of record keeping procedures and to establish a “track record” of proper solvent and waste handling procedures, and a review of dry cleaning solvent purchasing and use records to determine if there are any anomalous records that may indicate a chronic or catastrophic release of dry cleaning solvent.