Air Investigation/Mold Assessment
dse conducted a baseline mold assessment for indoor air quality at the Dallas Housing Authority Headquarters, Dallas, TX. The three story office building suffered a major roofing failure following a large storm and excessive rain events in the fall of 2009. dse performed an inspection at the request of DHA that was prompted by employee complaints. A visual inspection of the property, including collection of 15 air samples and 9 swab samples was performed in the areas with the largest visual staining and warping. No visible biological growth was observed, but there was evidence of water staining on some ceiling tiles and warped wallpaper present. One employee was relocated prior to and while the investigation was being conducted. Results were compiled and provided to DHA counsel and safety departments.
Category: Mold and Indoor Air Quality Assessment

Coit Road Intersection Improvement Project
CATEX Checklist and Environmental Report
dse prepared the CATEX Regulatory Checklist for a project that involved improvements to the intersection of Coit Road with Spring Creek Parkway. This project involves minor roadway intersection improvements for about 0.28 miles of urban arterial type roadways, with associated sidewalks and other pedestrian improvements. The accompanying CATEX report outlined purpose and need for the project, affected environment, and potential social, economic, and environmental effects of the proposed project action. Because of the existing suburban setting, there were no significant impacts identified with this action, and the project qualified for a CATEX under 23 CFR § 771.117. This CATEX checklist was completed under an expedited project schedule in order to provide immediate project implementation by the City.
Category: National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Florida Hurricane Cleanup Effort
dse was subcontracted to provide project management, site health and safety orientations, and personnel and equipment. The project entailed debris removal and disposal following a series of hurricanes that hit Florida in 2004. dse’s initial tasks included base line environmental sampling of air, surface water and sediments, safety planning, logistics assistance, and emergency response recon, assistance.
Category: Disaster Management

HAZMAT Consulting Contract
dse was selected by the FWISD to provide HAZMAT Consulting Services to support the 2008 Bond Program under RFQ No. 07-120. Currently we are providing asbestos consulting services for renovations of 21 schools in the FWISD. Under Task 1 of this program, dse performed pre-renovation asbestos inspections, prepared asbestos abatement specifications and assisted the Program Manager with AHERA, TAHPRs and NESHAP compliance issues in each of the 21 schools.
Task 2 services included air monitoring and project management during the asbestos abatements and clearance air sampling required at 16 of the schools. At the conclusion of the asbestos abatements, dse prepared abatement close-out documents and updates to the school district’s AHERA Asbestos Management Plan. In addition to the asbestos consulting activities, dse provided mold and lead-based paint inspection and consulting services. All of the inspection services included extensive CAD drawing, sample collection, report preparation, and photographic and video documentation.
Category: Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint Surveys

Initial Lead Exposure Assessment (IEA) and Abatement of Equipment
dse performed an ILEA of an inactive IFR. Wipe and air samples were collected from representative types of the stored equipment in various locations and conditions to assess the potential for workers to disturb dust within the IFR. The wipe samples exceeded the HUD and TDSHS standard for lead wipe clearance sampling. During abatement, dse collected air and wipe samples during the abatement of lead dust from the equipment stored in the IFR facility to ensure that the containment area and worker protection measures were effective. Samples were also taken to ensure that the results of the equipment cleaning performed by the abatement contractor were effective.
Category: Phase III – Cleanup and Remediation

New Trails for Trinity River Vision
dse prepared draft NEPA reports, reviewing potential endangered species, cultural resources, historical structures, and other environmental issues for two segments of recreational bike trails. dse also helped prepare documents and participated in the public meetings in support of the City personnel for two recreational bicycle trails as part of the Trinity River Vision project, Fort Worth, TX. Due to potential environmental concerns, dse advised that work be discontinued on one trail alignment, with consideration of an alternate route.
Category: National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Phase II ESA of a Known Contaminated Site
Since contamination was already known to exist on this site, the primary objective was to gather enough information so that the client could make a rough estimate of potential treatment and disposal costs with either minor resurfacing, or major construction. The practical concern was to determine the quantity of hydrocarbon affected soil that would require special handling, treatment and disposal should it be exposed in the course of construction. The client also desired limited additional sampling conducted to determine if chlorinated solvents had migrated onto the site from an off-site source and what additional data would be necessary to form the basis for an innocent owner/operator certificate application for the site.

School and Athletic Facility
Dallas Independent School District (DISD)
In February, March and April 2010, dse performed asbestos and lead-based paint inspections of several schools and athletic facilities in the DISD as part of a capital improvement and renovation project. These schools and athletic facilities had been separately constructed and renovated over a period of approximately 30 or more years. The inspections included review of renovation documents and management plans, interviews of school or facility personnel, selected sample collection, and/or writing reports. Schools inspected by dse included the Skyline and Bryan Adams High Schools; Kiest and Foster Elementary Schools; and Gaston Middle School. Athletic facilities inspected by dse included a natatorium, stadiums, gymnasiums, field houses and other structures including the Sprague Complex; Forester Stadium and Complex; and Seagoville – Henry Stadium.
Category: Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint Surveys

Soil Amendment Facility Compliance Audit
The ABCWUA SAF and RRA are located on a 5,640 acre site west of Albuquerque. The facilities utilize a two phase program comprised of dedicated land disposal and composting for a portion of the biosolids generated by the Water Reclamation System. dse conducted sample collection at the SAF and the RRA to determine the nitrogen levels in the soils on the Site for ABCWUA’s compliance auditing process. Direct-push technology was utilized to sample the soils. dse recorded and provided to ABCWUA the GPS coordinates for each SAF and RRA sample location and coordinated documentation and chain-of-custody efforts with management staff at the client’s laboratory. A portion of the area to be sampled was historically used as a bombing practice range. dse developed safety protocols and screened each sample location for un-exploded ordinance prior to initiating drilling at each sample location.
Walnut Hill Roadway Extension
Preliminary Environmental Corridor Screening
dse is providing preliminary environmental screening of an approximate one-mile segment of a planned urban arterial roadway corridor in south Dallas, Texas. The screening is intended to provide information and data to support preliminary roadway planning efforts. The proposed alignment passes through an area with historical industrial activities, landfills, and sand and gravel operations. Efforts include literature and map reviews, limited soil vapor and soil sampling, and verification of the potential for other environmental conditions such as threatened and endangered species, floodplains and jurisdictional wetlands. Soil vapor and soils data indicated the presence of elevated concentrations of methane and chlordane along the project corridor. dse summarized this screening effort in a report that outlines the results of the field efforts, identifies other potential concerns found during the screening, and provides concepts for addressing the identified concerns.
Category: National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)