Mold and Indoor Air Quality Assessment

dse is registered with the Texas Department of State Health Services as a mold Assessment Company. We have performed mold surveys, toxic vapor surveys, OSHA worker air sampling and performed real-time air monitoring and hygiene sampling at various locations and for a multitude of clients. These clients include government, private sector manufacturing and municipalities.

Air Quality Monitoring



dse is performing air quality monitoring and sampling services for the City of Rowlett to identify chemical components of possible off-gassing from a neighboring landfill. The long-term study consists of air quality monitoring utilizing both real-time air monitoring with a multi-gas/photo-ionization instrument and eight-hour air sampling using Summa canisters and flow controllers. The samples are collected to identify potential chemicals of concern and to attempt to determine possible odor source chemicals. The team locates “hot-spots” with Global Positioning Units (GPS) and records the data location and concentrations. The results are documented in writing and visually presented utilizing aerial maps and GPS coordinates. The results of the air quality monitoring events are assessed against the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Effective Screening Levels (ESLs) to determine potential exposure risk to the surrounding population.

Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base (NAS-JRB)


dse performed a mold assessment and water intrusion survey for two buildings at the NAS-JRB in Fort Worth, Texas. The assessments included visual assessment, swab sampling, air sampling and water intrusion inspections for two buildings located at the base. The assessments were of the Band Hall and Air Control Tower. One building was found to have elevated concentrations of mold spores in the interior air and visual microbial growth. A remediation protocol was developed and provided to NAVFAC Southeast. The building was remediated and dse performed visual and air clearance sampling and certification upon completion of the remediation activities.

Air Investigation/Mold Assessment



dse conducted a baseline mold assessment for indoor air quality at the Dallas Housing Authority Headquarters, Dallas, TX. The three story office building suffered a major roofing failure following a large storm and excessive rain events in the fall of 2009. dse performed an inspection at the request of DHA that was prompted by employee complaints. A visual inspection of the property, including collection of 15 air samples and 9 swab samples was performed in the areas with the largest visual staining and warping. No visible biological growth was observed, but there was evidence of water staining on some ceiling tiles and warped wallpaper present. One employee was relocated prior to and while the investigation was being conducted. Results were compiled and provided to DHA counsel and safety departments.

Texas Air Permit by Rule (PBR) for Spray Paint Booth



Air Permit by Rule (PBR) for Spray Paint Booth-dse prepared a Spray Paint Booth PBR application permit for a large volume auto body. Issues included: Variances and negotiation in the City of Dallas and TCEQ requirements to resolve cross-jurisdictional issues and modification to design to satisfy both agencies with opposing requirements. TCEQ legal required a determination if an adjacent motel qualified as a “residence.” Upon review and negotiation, dse and TCEQ agreed that the paint booth met conditions for a Permit-By-Rule.

“Nuisance Odor Complaint”


dse performed real-time ambient air monitoring inside and outside this high profile facility and measured toxic chemical concentrations to determine release rates and chemical constituents of the potential odor sources. dse performed real-time air monitoring to determine air concentrations of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and particulate matter in the ambient air, inside and outside the facility. No exceedance of toxic chemicals was observed during the monitoring. Air modeling supported the findings that no air permit was required, and dse worked with the facility and the City of Fort Worth personnel to reduce the “odors” to an acceptable level according to the “FIDO” protocols utilizing air filtration, changing feedstock, and reduction of the number of animals housed in the facility. dse presented the data findings to the Fort Worth City Council, Fort Worth Environmental Personnel and TCEQ.